Thursday, October 13, 2022

Seven years ago on this date

 Seven years ago on this date.

I travelled to Hyderabad to see Daddy for one last time.
Then I was broken and shaken to the core, with doubts plaguing my mind about my ability to manage life without him as I was hugely dependent on him.
The anchor and guide, the mentor and guardian, the father and friend, he played multiple roles with ease and enthusiasm.
Seven years later, waiting at the same airport, remembering him fondly and thanking him for teaching me everything he could while he was alive.
He knew he would go someday soon, but we were unprepared to see him off. As a father, he left written and unwritten guidance on how to take life after him.
That guidance and wisdom are what I cherish the most. Material wealth may perish, but life lessons are precious and will remain for generations to come...
Rest in peace, father...
I will try to keep you alive through me.
You reflect in my son's smiles.
My daughter's love for books
In my love for watching sports
Every time I marinate chicken in our kitchen, I remember you teaching Mother the importance of marinating the meat.
Every time I celebrate a festival, I remember how you read stories to us from religious texts.
I emulate you in crisis management.
I learnt from you the joy of giving gifts.
Rest in peace, father.
Seven years later, at the same airport, waiting to fly to Hyderabad to make some happy memories.
Dad, the time has gone by in an instant, I miss you, but I don't cry anymore when I think of you.
We celebrate the time you spent with us, and like you, I started preparing my children by teaching them everything I know.
Rest in peace, dad!
May be an image of text that says 'Sri. Sri.Tak Sri.Taki Taki udhan'


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