Thursday, October 13, 2022

happy birthday preesha

 Hello, Preeshu

Today you turn 18, and you longer have "I'm a minor" to fall back on if ever your plan of getting rid of me comes to fruition, nor would you be given lenient sentences for any attempts at claiming all our end-term life insurance.
You're no more a child nor the youngest in the house, giving me full liberty to go a step higher in all the shenanigans I contrive to bother you with.
Billu, soon you'll be off to a different place to study. You'll be granted a degree of freedom you've been looking forward to for a good while and will have access to opportunities previously withheld. Fewer questions will be asked about what you do, and you'll be interrogated about your activities, not to nought, but not as frequently.
Conversely, it will be more challenging than you think. It'll be foreign from the cushioned life you've had. No Leo to hide under your desk while you study. No Saturn to keep a watchful eye on you from his couch while you nap. There is no mom to oil your hair or dad to hide behind when momma loses her temper.
Dabba, you're now an adult. Take it from someone who's been one for the last 6 years; there will be times when you'll regret becoming one. There will be days when it seems things have gone too sour to enjoy. When it'll be visibly futile to try and go on any further, failures one after the other.
But take from someone who's been failing almost all his life; you can still enjoy and savour each moment while walking this tightrope. The key is not to fail but to fail with style. Before you know it you'll be back in the saddle, jumping over hurdles like it's no one's business. Remember, even flying high is falling in style.
Chitti, you're destined for great things. If only you were to see what all of us see, how gifted you are. Some people are born brilliant, while others have to work hard. You, Chinni, belong to a rare and different tribe that happens to excel at both. All you need to do is look past the nonsense clouding your vision. This is the only favour I ask of you.
You have been burdened with a will so strong it'll be a crime to not put it to use. It's not like you have an option. One of us has to succeed in life, and my lazy ass gave up on it long ago. Tough luck, kiddo.
Happy birthday, Nani. Grow more significant than all of us. If push comes to shove and you're in trouble. You'll have a bear of a brother behind you. You know there is no problem we cannot solve together. You have the same bull-headed stubbornness that I do. No malady can be dealt with by throwing yourself at it repeatedly.
Be well Dabba
I'm here for you always, Rahul bhaiyya

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