Thursday, October 13, 2022

 March first week is always loaded with events to celebrate women's empowerment.

This year, too, for the 8th March afternoon, I was invited to attend a women's day event. As the program was in a mall, I asked the daughter to join me.
Preesha jumped in, saying she could spend time at a bookstore while I attended the event.
A day before, too, I was at another women's day event hosted by Raggnee Agarwaal.
While driving to the place, she asked me: Mom, what do these events mean to you?
Every year, around the 8th of March, you get busy speaking on women's empowerment, while you at home ask all of our permission to go on a three-day holiday.
Don't you feel disempowered seeking approval from children, husbands, maids, and pets, like now when you are willing to go on a pilgrimage with Neeru Aunty? You are so stuck here because of my upcoming board exams.
She continued by saying that you preach about fundamental rights for women; you talk about how every female should have the right to choose her life goals and methods to reach them. And look at your double standards here, seeking approval from family to go on a spiritual sojourn.
I paused and played with the car stereo as her questions made me uncomfortable.
I took a deep breath to frame my answer; I try to be very careful while speaking to her because, as a mother, I will be setting an example for her to emulate in the future.
I said :
Someone has to do my job when I am not around; hence, I seek your permission to outsource my responsibilities and hold you accountable. If you care for pets, a garden, kitchen, and maids, I am sorted.
But these days, I am also worried about your exams. I know you can manage, but bizarre onlookers will judge me for going on a pilgrimage two months before her daughter's boards.
I can hear the murmurs behind my back :
HAA, what an irresponsible mother, imperfect parenting, mother gallivanting around before her daughter's boards. Shame on her etc. etc
Maa, again double standards; why should you worry about what the world has to say.
If the problem is my exams, then it is between you and me, and now that I am asking you to join Neeru aunty, you should go.
If your problem is the world, then I don't appreciate your thought process at all, and By the way, if I do well in exams, it is good for me, and I know that my failure and success is my responsibility, not yours or anyone else's.
I need you around, but I will be happy if you cater to your needs and care for mine.
And what is this obsession with temples? Why don't you go to Maldives, Greece or Goa?
I said: I feel rejuvenated when I soak in the energy around spiritual places. I know this is a passing phase; I will soon outgrow this need once I uncover the answers to my questions.
Last year, at the holy shrine of Vaishno Devi, one of the fellow pilgrims once narrated how he had started feeling disconnected from spiritual places. After visiting all the Hindu places of worship, the wisdom he derived was to seek God within.
Then I prodded him on why he was visiting Vaishno Devi for the Third time?
His reply made me happy; he said, "I just came to give my wife company". Like you, she is also searching for God in the temples.
I said I am not here purely in pursuit of or love of God; I have selfish reasons. I came here out of fear, greed and thankfulness in equal proportions.
He said you would evolve soon.
So mom, do you think you have evolved in this one year of whirlwind tours to multiple temples?
I answered her back with a question.
So finally, can I go preesha, On a four-day break?
She said, go, momy go, live your life!
Teerath yatra is not a comfortable luxury holiday; one has to stand in a long queue, use unhygienic public toilets, may get lost in an unknown town, and be exploited by fake pandits. The challenges are manifold in every temple town.
During my childhood, I have seen many women(widows) and retired couples getting into tightly packed yatra buses to escape ON a month-long pilgrimage in the company of strangers to faraway destinations.
On their return, the entire village used to gather to take the prasadam, collect souvenirs and listen to the fantastic stories of the pilgrimage. Each visitor returned home with a single dream in their eyes to someday visit char Dham, go to Kashi and bathe in the Ganges at Haridwar.
Tirupati and Shirdi are the shrines that people in south India accomplish once in their lifetime. The ultimate destination is crossing the Godavari, surpassing Narmada, reaching Ganga and ending in Gangasagar.
Watching my grandparents and mother-in-law take long voyages into faraway lands seeking divine grace has influenced me.
Recently, I made a mockery of my Sister-in-law Manitha Reddy when she repeated her visits to India from the USA to seek shelter in ashrams for days together. She became an expert in doing yajna, Japa and mantra. She is engulfed in bhakti now and thus delegates all her happiness and sorrows to the divine.
As Srila Prabhupada calls it, "The nectar of devotion" I guess this nectar, once tasted, converts EVERYONE into an ADDICT.
Only the blessed get a taste of it once during their lifetime;
This trip of mine, too, is pursuing one such addiction, Preesha!
I know I am swimming against the tide when it comes to parenting.
But I must break these stereotypes that children are only mothers' responsibility.
I am thankful to my friends for helping me and being my companions in visiting various temples across the length and breadth of India.

Seven years ago on this date

 Seven years ago on this date.

I travelled to Hyderabad to see Daddy for one last time.
Then I was broken and shaken to the core, with doubts plaguing my mind about my ability to manage life without him as I was hugely dependent on him.
The anchor and guide, the mentor and guardian, the father and friend, he played multiple roles with ease and enthusiasm.
Seven years later, waiting at the same airport, remembering him fondly and thanking him for teaching me everything he could while he was alive.
He knew he would go someday soon, but we were unprepared to see him off. As a father, he left written and unwritten guidance on how to take life after him.
That guidance and wisdom are what I cherish the most. Material wealth may perish, but life lessons are precious and will remain for generations to come...
Rest in peace, father...
I will try to keep you alive through me.
You reflect in my son's smiles.
My daughter's love for books
In my love for watching sports
Every time I marinate chicken in our kitchen, I remember you teaching Mother the importance of marinating the meat.
Every time I celebrate a festival, I remember how you read stories to us from religious texts.
I emulate you in crisis management.
I learnt from you the joy of giving gifts.
Rest in peace, father.
Seven years later, at the same airport, waiting to fly to Hyderabad to make some happy memories.
Dad, the time has gone by in an instant, I miss you, but I don't cry anymore when I think of you.
We celebrate the time you spent with us, and like you, I started preparing my children by teaching them everything I know.
Rest in peace, dad!
May be an image of text that says 'Sri. Sri.Tak Sri.Taki Taki udhan'



I look into the mirror and express unhappiness over my frizzy hair, which is flying an inch above my scalp. The daughter watches me mumbling and silently replies, " Mom, your body, hair, and skin colour are your personality. Don't wage war with it. Accept it, embrace it, and be proud of who you are.
I fight with her father for trivial reasons. She watches us wrangle without uttering a word and patiently waits for the situation to settle down. After cooling down, she counsels me.
Mom, why do you poke him? You know it will not yield anything.
Don't try to change him, but change yourself, live life, and stop asking permission or approval for everything. Do what makes you happy. He and you do not have shared preferences. His work makes him happy. Stop waiting for him, go out, have fun, and live your life, you old lady. It would be best if you went on treks to understand the generosity of this beautiful creation. You will discover yourself with every summit.
I apply kajal and lipstick on some odd days; watching from the sidelines,
she comments
whoever you are going out with, come home early; I cannot give cover to you for long.
I dropped the kajal and chuckled, almost rolled on the floor and laughed out loud. She put up a straight poker face and wouldn't move a muscle or change an expression as if she meant it.
When I tried a long kurta and turned around in the mirror contemplating wearing/not wearing the leggings, she would encourage me; sexy momma, Let your legs breathe; expose them to this beautiful world.
She takes me back to the past, reminding me of friends from class for twelve days. She makes me feel youthful and energetic.
She has some small savings; she asks me to buy a book for her every second day. When I complain about excessive spending, she silently asks me to deduct it from her savings. Every 10th day, she wants me to read her horoscope, promising to pay for it with her earnings in the future. When I remind her about outspending her reserves, she tells me to deduct it from her future inheritance from me.
She names her bags, combs, street dogs, maids and pets. The terms are new and relevant to the character of the object/person/pet she is naming. She is good at understanding people and their problems. She is very caring, nurturing and giving. I often tell her you will make a fantastic healer, Preesha. Her immediate retort is that you always ask Bhaiyya to write, but you never show the same confidence in me.
When I praise her brother for his writing skills, she instantly creates an incredible poem to keep the sibling rivalry going.
She is a very watery person inside, eyes welling up for the smallest of the vitriols I throw at her.
When I reprimand her for being ultrasensitive, she confides in me. Samba, you are the only person I am fearful of in this world and the only person whose opinion matters to me, so it hurts when you criticise me. I wouldn't care if someone else did that to me.
We counsel and criticise each other in multiple ways every day.
She studies late at night, checks on us multiple times to switch on/off the AC, and corrects our blankets. Many nights, she massages my feet to help me fall asleep.
Like every other fantastic daughter, my Preesha is a godsend. She is what she is because of the blessings of elders, guidance from her teachers and the divine grace of the creator.
As you celebrate your 18th birthday and step into college soon, you need to take charge of your life, make your decisions, and tread responsibly. You will be alone from here on preesha; enjoy the roller coaster ride.
Happy birthday, Preesha!
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