Thursday, May 24, 2018

The man rushed into kitchen and asked me why did you hit Leo in the morning and shout at our daughter.
I had to because she did not stop him when he played like a pig in my lotus pond destroying my effort of 2 months in 2 minutes.
But how is it her fault?
Yes it is her fault, she did not stop him from doing so
She cannot encroach on his freedom to play like a kid and you cannot encroach on her freedom to enjoy watching the scene
I did not pay attention to his language of freedom in every second word he uttered , instead shifted my focus to smriti irani , and the controversy surrounding around fake news on television.
The man left the breakfast table murmuring sangeeta reddy and smriti irani are same, they behave like hitter wherever they are!
The first thing every man craves for in the morning is a news paper, the first channel people surf on the TV is a news channel. News directly influences our thought process and forces us to form opinions in our head! ; Hence it should be the most pious body as it can change the direction of country’s thought process.
Why are journalists opposing the order which will lay down new guidelines to punish them for fake news?
If they can use their pen and voice liberally, literally to cast aspersions on everyone, why shouldn’t they be subjected to the same scrutiny in case they spread fake news for material benefits or out of personal grudge, agenda , vendetta or maybe simply in agreement with ideology and philosophy of their nemesis’s friend.
How will the new norms intimidate free press? Ulta it will empower all the good, ethical journalists who always write and speak only truth, OR is it a perceived fact among the fraternity that they are not left with any more honest journalists ?
This new bill would have eliminated paid media, biased media completely. Journalists can now take a bold stand backed by facts figures and evidence. Journalism is not speculation, it cannot be fiction, and we consumers are fed the imaginations and fancies of these journalists many times. And this bill will very much work against any party in power; opposition can make good use of this to stop any wrong news being spread about them.
This is a democracy, everyone’s rights should be protected, let no one have a free run, let every professional body be made equally susceptible. For the sake of one’s own personal benefits no one should be empowered to malign others.
The big example of how karma cafĂ© welcomes one is evident in maneka Gandhi’s case.
She published pictures of babu jagjivan ram’s 40 year old son Suresh ram doing sexual acrobatics with his amorous mistress in her surya magazine, when every other publishing house refused to do so, as it was against the ethical code. Decades later varun gandhis pictures circulated on electronic media , maybe they were morphed or photo shopped or whatever, but they were pictures of him with a woman in compromising position , everywhere with headlines “ varun Gandhi honey trapped “
When we want to get rid of quacks in medical services, unqualified teachers, engineers to be eliminated, politicians to be punished for not delivering, why shouldn’t journalists be subjected to scrutiny for spreading fake news?
We agree with smriti Irani when she said “Accreditation committee comprises of editors, journalists and representatives of press council of India and national broadcasters association: will these people victimize one of their own?
Dear journalists please lead by example and lead us Indians towards a better India! Encourage the IB ministry to reintroduce the debate on fake news! Stand for the values you preach on a daily basis through various mediums.
The country can be in order if the journalists in that country are fearless to tell any true story!
We condemn the killing of pansare, kalburgi , lankesh , rajdeo, dabolkar, sai reddy …. We want free press, we want honest press, we want fearless press, we want unbiased press, and we want democratic press….

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