Thursday, May 24, 2018

The man rushed into kitchen and asked me why did you hit Leo in the morning and shout at our daughter.
I had to because she did not stop him when he played like a pig in my lotus pond destroying my effort of 2 months in 2 minutes.
But how is it her fault?
Yes it is her fault, she did not stop him from doing so
She cannot encroach on his freedom to play like a kid and you cannot encroach on her freedom to enjoy watching the scene
I did not pay attention to his language of freedom in every second word he uttered , instead shifted my focus to smriti irani , and the controversy surrounding around fake news on television.
The man left the breakfast table murmuring sangeeta reddy and smriti irani are same, they behave like hitter wherever they are!
The first thing every man craves for in the morning is a news paper, the first channel people surf on the TV is a news channel. News directly influences our thought process and forces us to form opinions in our head! ; Hence it should be the most pious body as it can change the direction of country’s thought process.
Why are journalists opposing the order which will lay down new guidelines to punish them for fake news?
If they can use their pen and voice liberally, literally to cast aspersions on everyone, why shouldn’t they be subjected to the same scrutiny in case they spread fake news for material benefits or out of personal grudge, agenda , vendetta or maybe simply in agreement with ideology and philosophy of their nemesis’s friend.
How will the new norms intimidate free press? Ulta it will empower all the good, ethical journalists who always write and speak only truth, OR is it a perceived fact among the fraternity that they are not left with any more honest journalists ?
This new bill would have eliminated paid media, biased media completely. Journalists can now take a bold stand backed by facts figures and evidence. Journalism is not speculation, it cannot be fiction, and we consumers are fed the imaginations and fancies of these journalists many times. And this bill will very much work against any party in power; opposition can make good use of this to stop any wrong news being spread about them.
This is a democracy, everyone’s rights should be protected, let no one have a free run, let every professional body be made equally susceptible. For the sake of one’s own personal benefits no one should be empowered to malign others.
The big example of how karma café welcomes one is evident in maneka Gandhi’s case.
She published pictures of babu jagjivan ram’s 40 year old son Suresh ram doing sexual acrobatics with his amorous mistress in her surya magazine, when every other publishing house refused to do so, as it was against the ethical code. Decades later varun gandhis pictures circulated on electronic media , maybe they were morphed or photo shopped or whatever, but they were pictures of him with a woman in compromising position , everywhere with headlines “ varun Gandhi honey trapped “
When we want to get rid of quacks in medical services, unqualified teachers, engineers to be eliminated, politicians to be punished for not delivering, why shouldn’t journalists be subjected to scrutiny for spreading fake news?
We agree with smriti Irani when she said “Accreditation committee comprises of editors, journalists and representatives of press council of India and national broadcasters association: will these people victimize one of their own?
Dear journalists please lead by example and lead us Indians towards a better India! Encourage the IB ministry to reintroduce the debate on fake news! Stand for the values you preach on a daily basis through various mediums.
The country can be in order if the journalists in that country are fearless to tell any true story!
We condemn the killing of pansare, kalburgi , lankesh , rajdeo, dabolkar, sai reddy …. We want free press, we want honest press, we want fearless press, we want unbiased press, and we want democratic press….
I come home after a long day's work to see dog hair on the carpet, bed, sofa everywhere, he made merry out of disturbing the shoe rack, pulled out the insole of sports shoes and left half part of it on the terrace, and it had holes everywhere.
The didis said daughter and dog on a holiday are uncontrollable and they don't follow any rules once I step out of the house. TV remote was missing which was later found in the sofa crevice.
To threaten them I said girl you are going to hostel and he is going to dog shelter tomorrow. I don't want this mess in my house.
Protesting she went outside and sat in the lawn he too followed her. I waited for them to come back on their own

After I was done with surfing for the insoles of my shoes online ,I went out to call them but they just ignored me , later I had to plead, to get them inside.
Huh..... Who can understand a mother and her problems....? Above all the man said "your mother is ill-treating Leo and behaving with him like a step mother” and then he turned towards me and said “this is a house and not a museum allow them to play the way they want to”.
Left with no energy to argue with them I found solace in the company of shouting news anchors, I felt they were doing it for me, the venting out!
It is 3 years daddy. On this day at the same time i received a call from, Prabhaker mammayya saying daddy looks a little unwell.
I realised immediately that you have started your journey to a new destination. if you have decided to leave, you will and no one can stop you.
Your will power, your grit, your strength are far more powerful than anyone else's. What an exemplary life!
Enjoy your time with MA In the abode of krishna. Keep guiding me, I just imitate you both in every crisis I face, I talk to you both many times in dreams, am sure it is your initiative to visit me frequently in the silence of the night.
Maybe even I don't love my children am much as you loved me and cared for me!
While I was doing Pooja in the New house I could see you both every where on every wall smiling with pride, with happiness with love. I know you are always watching my children,with you in their vicinity guarding them, no evil can ever reach touch them.
Maa your brothers are taking good care of me, they don't allow me to miss you, dad your siblings too are kind to me your youngest brother is exceptionally caring.
Don't worry about me, I am happy 😊, keep visiting me, keep the discussions alive, let the guidance and wisdom flow uninterruptedly.
He said stop using mobile for reading news that’s the only remedy to your eye problems and dark circles under the eyes too will go away.
I said see PM Modi is working 16 hours a day still he looks fresh without any health issues because of the imported mushrooms he is eating .
If you really care for me then buy me those mushrooms imported from Taiwan , price per piece rs 80000 , get them for me I will become fair and lovely , your dream girl 😊 in no time.
He left the room wiping hands with rumaal murmuring इससे बात करना ही बेकार है
I murmured behind his back , I don’t want free advices only expensive ones please..
At 42 I will have
Grey in my hair
Wrinkles on my face
Pain in the knees
Sugar in the blood
Pressure in the vessels
glasses on the nose
Buy me mushrooms or live by accepting an ageing wife 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Dad seriously she needs to be enrolled for news Deaddiction ......
I dint care for their comments as I was more worried about Asaram Baba
Sanju Baba getting convicted was acceptable but asaram Baba , no no he shouldn’t , how can god men who uplift the lives of millions of followers allow an ordinary mortal like judge 👨‍⚖️ to send them to jail. No no not possible , I was peeping into the tv to see Asaram get into judges mind by using his spiritual powers to acquit him of all the false charges , but I think the judge was a disciple of even more powerful Baba that he couldn’t be manipulated even a bit.
These days some powers higher than the babas are working on the judges hence poor ram Rahim and pujya asharam Bapu are convicted.
I asked Leo who was sitting at my feet, licking my toe , how do you dogs identify dangerous people just by sniffing them ,
To which The daughter replied without lifting her head from the Ph , maa they are not as needy and greedy like us humans , they dont look at people from utility point of view , that’s why they are honest and loyal , better the next time you visit a Baba take leo along with you he will sniff the Baba and give you a signal ....
I thought what non sense this girl is talking, who goes to Baba’s these days for spiritual discourses , Ashram’s are akadas for networking and money laundering, we will create more babas as long as they serve our higher purpose of making more and more and more money 💰, get us connected to higher ups in the government , helps us stack our black money in safe havens via their network , help us get our children admission into big college through back door , help us form the governments, help us assassinate powerful enemies , the SPIRITUALITY THING IS AN EYE WASH FOR MASSES ... the real business happens behind the close doors , out of 100’s of crimes they commit not even .01 percent are reported .... huh
My ph started ringing at 9 am
I said hello aunty Namaste , how are you
She : I did not call you in the morning , because I thought you will be sleeping
I : no issues aunty , I am up and awake now, we can talk
She : actually you people don’t get up early , so I did not call you at 7 am, after I came back from morning walk
I : it is ok aunty you could have given a missed call, I would have called back , anyways we can chat now
She : we cannot sleep after sunrise you know, we have to complete our morning walk before 7 am. We eat only organic oats for breakfast with milk and imported honey, it is healthy , we get this stuff from USA
I : losing patience, wow aunty great , you are healthy and wealthy I am so very happy for you
She : I have to complete my pooja by 8 am, breakfast by 9 am. I called you after completing my morning pooja , what are you doing now, did you brush your teeth (taunt)
I : not yet aunty , I will once you put down the ph
She : you don’t call these days , you are very busy I think, but I see your updates on facebook daily (another taunt)
I : yes aunty busy life , tight routine but still I make it a point to visit facebook and spend sometime on it , reading, debating discussing and writing , it is recreation and education too
She : aur kya chal raha hai
I : all good aunty , did you call for any special pupose aunty
She : no , you never call , so I thought let me atleast call you in between… take some time for us too and practice to get up early , eat oats, museli , blue berries this that non sense (taunt after taunt, there is no love)
She went on and on taunting, gossiping , flaunting riches , I sensed no love purpose in the ph call ….
So I put the ph on kitchen platform and shouted hello helloooo hellllooo hellllooooo hello from a distance…. Aunty you are not audible , network issues I guess , I will call you back…helllooo helllooo
I turned to the man sitting next to me and said we are any day better than these breed of people who take a high moral ground out of being slaves of the clock. Who disrespect others time, who make ph calls to others in the morning to taunt and gossip and take pride in their sanskar of doing pooja everyday. What happens between you and your god should be personal and beautiful, how can one flaunt it as a great habit.
My observations of whenever I was forced to go on morning walking are
Group of pot bellied men assemble on the street corner in the morning to discuss share market while walking , another group of women bad mouth their mother in laws and devars wiping sweat with their dupattas from their forehead , next batch of women in their 50’s dress like 30 year olds walk with stress on their faces , old men stand at one corner of the park and laugh wildly, a group of young boys run as if they are being chased by a mad dog. I spot a lone woman doing back walking back and forth on one street, she has demarcated it as her kingdom , Then there is another man who spreads a sheet on the centre of the road sleeps on it for an hour and then leaves in his car. When we meet known faces while walking we have to say hi hello good morning not just that we are also judged by the brand of shoes and tracks we are wearing, by the speed of our foot steps etc . There are people who buy designer morning walk gear too…
Tell me are these people getting up at 4 am to do some social service, to cook and feed 100 hungry poor people, or go to leprosy home to give the suffering people a massage, or at least minimum collect the litter on the street while walking.
No know, then who gave them the right to give sermons to late risers as if we are criminals. They get up in the morning for their own body but they flaunt it as if they are giving lakhs of rupees in donation by walking, eating oats , bathing in the morning and doing pooja….
All nonsense, hypocrisy and false people , pseudo lives
The man sensing tension got up , putting the cup on the kitchen table, folding news paper said why are you spoiling your mood in the morning… it is ok , I don’t mind even if you get up at 10 o clock….
I was mesmerized by the color of Rs 200 notes, instead of bundling them I spread them out on the bed and was doing loud talk. The daughter who has entered her teenage is hooked on to durjoy dutta’s books these days. She was reading the book “a boy with a broken heart”; her brother had been taunting her for some time for her choice of books.
She asked maa what are you talking to yourself ?
I said , I think modi ji had some hidden intention behind choosing orange color for rs.200 note, of all the newly printed currency , Rs 200 note is the most beautiful one. He wanted people to connect to him and his party through the currency too. Se he did not make rs.2000 note orange color, he did not introduce this color in the first phase for the fear of raising suspicion. He did this by design and choice. See he is very smart. Rs.200 notes are mostly kept by masses, and his vote bank is also masses. I know now why Rs. 200 notes is orange and why it was introduced a year later.
The daughter said maa you look at 4 people with suspicion always, bhaiyya , dad , me and modi ji….
I said tu chup chap padh le
The husband who I thought was deeply involved in csk rcb match asked slowly, so what will you do with them now.
I said they are so beautiful that I will accumulate them and never spend them.
The daughter without lifting her head, “ maa there maybe another demonetization, don’t do that , you always teach us to learn from experience and never repeat mistakes”.
I said not many but I will keep at least rs.10, 000 in rs.200 denomination.
He said let her Preesha, her spending may go down if she has more of rs.200 notes.
I turned towards daughter and said why don’t you read your stupid book, turned towards man and said you watch cricket up to 12 am every night as if it is a divine ritual, not just that you watch a replay, highlights, and expert commentary of nonsense fellows shouting on the TV till midnight, when I don’t have any objection to any of this, why do you taunt me for small shopping habits.
They went into mute mode after that, we women know how to silence men at the right time, just raise your voice a little and show signs of “I am ready for a fight”, they will withdraw silently.
But believe me this modi ji is very intelligent, see he went and started a Chai pe charcha even in china !
Here in India he left behind his disciples to do all the brainwashing propaganda, the Tripura CM who is a BJP person Biplab Deb Says Aishwarya Rai is the real face of Indian women, not Diana Hayden. He said that "We see women as goddess laxmi, Saraswati and Aishwarya Rai represents that Indian women.
When he said that there was Internet in the Mahabharata era, we gave him benefit of doubt; ho sakta hai when shree Rama can fly from lanka to ayodhya maybe internet too existed then , and maybe that’s how sanjaya gave a live commentary of kurukshetra war to Dhritarashtra ! maybe yes internet existed !
According to him , "Indian women did not use cosmetics in the old times. Indians did not use shampoo; they washed their hair with methi water and bathed with mud. yes , fine good.
But maybe he does not know that aishwarya endorsed a lot of cosmetic products herself , and she uses them on daily basis, a friend who met aishwarya recently said that “aishwarya had a painted face and she took 3 hours to get ready to attend a small media conference
Maybe he is right in saying that beauty pageant organizers are international marketing mafia, who spotted a huge market in the country. Today, there is a beauty parlor in every corner of the country."
Fine no issues , but how does that make Diana Hayden inferior to aishwarya rai physically , is not understandable
Is it because of her name or her color ……?
Sir this kind of discrimination is not doing any good to us , don’t cut us and separate us from multiple angles, it will pain bharat mata more.
modi sir , you are very intelligent so please do not allow influential people from your party to talk nonsense.
Even if it is a part of well thought out well organized scheme and strategy to divide and rule, believe me the gains will be short term, educated class of people like us who saw a hope in change , who believed that something good and great is going to happen after 2014 will not look with the same vision post 2019.
Please sir rs.200 note is beautiful, we love it but we need all the notes and colors to maintain the balance ………….
And to end it sir what is the difference between your people and the turkish islamic scholar cevat aksit , who said “don’t get entirely naked like donkeys, there are angels in the room, and they leave when you are naked, leaving only Satan in the room, who will have an influence on your baby “
Sir aren’t you fighting this ideology , and aren’t you thinking on similar lines ?
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Do what makes you happy and keep all the morality aside !
Highly educated , hard working , rich , beautiful, high salaried , powerful position in the government , spouse of a powerful or a rich person .... so on and so forth ... .
None of these virtues will qualify any person to make foray into your personal space or intimidate you even if they are your closest relatives.
The foundation of any relationship should be mutual trust , respect and love not coercion based on the riches or fortune or morality...
Acheivers deserve respect for their high virtues , but being in a higher position does not qualjfy them in any way to over power you ...
By allowing others to dominate you and your personal space , remember you are doing a big disservice to yourself.
Do anot alow anyone to dominate you in your mind , do not give power to others for what they are born with or for what they have or for what they acheived .
Admire achiever’s but do not succumb to their superiority !
Do not suffer in silence , stand up and say NO , say NO to every domination, say NO to every emotional blackmail , say NO to anything you think is nonsense, say NO to every form of victimisation and slavery!
Wait , don’t worry , you lose nothing, it will build your character, your strength . It will make you more admirable , you will attract only the genuine ....
अन्याय करना जितना बड़ा पाप है
अन्याय सहना उससे बी बड़ा पाप है।
I was searching for my 10th certificate everywhere in the house . I found all the important documents of all the family members except my file .
Huh This 10th certificate ,!why on the earth is it still a mandatory document for proof of date of birth , this government working on the principles of Neolithic age only can answer. I have 5 post graduate degrees but none of them are valid as an evidence of my birth on this earth .
Apply for marriage certificate, apply for gas connection, apply for aadhar, apply for voter card ,apply to any university , apply for pan card , everywhere it is mentioned please produce your 10th mark sheet as a of proof of date of birth .
I was irritated after searching for an hour lost my cool and started shouting at 3 of them . Cribbed about their irresponsibility towards their personal documents and passwords.
I have to remember all of their passwords too ... every one hour one of them will call and ask me
Maa where is my certificate my passport my photos my Aadhar card my pan card maa what is my email password MA what is Paytm password maa what is Netflix amazon Flipkart password maa what is my net Banking password maa this maa that ...
Frustrated i gave up searching and started shouting...
The daughter slowly utters “maa why are you blaming us for not locating your documents, see all our documents are here “..
I said see I am losing my things because I have to invest my time and energy in preserving all of your documents passwords blah blah ...
Please take responsibility for your belongings and allow me to do my work , spare me time to work on my personal goals ... and all this is because of your irresponsible dad ...
Ahh the man saw the opportunity jumped into the conversation and said to his children from the first year of our marriage every problem in her life is because of me ... she will blame me agar Ghar mein chini khatam hua tho , agar maid nahi aaye tho , agar newspaper time pe nahi aaya , movie late start hua , flight cancel hua ... she can easily conveniently link every disappointment to me ...
Hey wife I elevate your status and declare you a member of the elite liberal secular brigade of india .... I am responsible for all the problems in your life ,like Modi is responsible for all the problems in this country ... you drawing room , arm chair critic now go and crib On facebook about me ...
I said yes yes we are any day better than you lathi wielding, half pant khaki sanghis...
See here she goes now, even If i say one word in favour of Modi she will declare me a Sanghi a Bhakta ,communal and what not ..
The son sensing stress started cracking jokes ...
Dad Naveen uncle and his friends though all of them are IPS officers sounded to me like nana Patekars clones , I felt there was some nana film shooting going on in the drawing room during their presence in the house...
The man gets very touchy when we talk anything about people of Maharashtra and he started arrey aisa nahi bolne ka Re ... waha pe aisaisch baat karte...
with great difficulty hiding the smile I got busy searching for my 10th certificate.
The bonding in a family is because of the beautiful interdependency we have .. highly independent families are less cohesive I guess !!
I discovered that horse trading is not just about buying and selling horses , but in today’s time it is about buying and selling MLA’s to form the government. I tried to imitate my daughter who is always talking to either SIRI or Google to find answers to random , stupid , silly questions.
Even I liked her new arrangement of finding answers by simple speaking and not typing , otherwise she would have pestered me with a lot of questions relevant , irrelevant, teenage problems, friend’s - friend’s boyfriends birthday gift . This that all nonsense…. So nowadays when she comes to me with her silly out of the world supernatural doubts I till her ...” go ask your Google or your siri don’t disturb me …
When she saw me talking to Google and siri alternately, she said aannn aann mamma, you too converting …. I said what? what conversion ? …. I am just cross checking… I know the meaning of horse trading….. SHE SAID mamma you don’t know what horse trading is? With a hand on her mouth exhaling Haaaaaa , it is “ simple buying and selling horses” …..
I said you fool, your brain got locked after you entered teenage , after you started listening to loud western music where half of the words are distorted , in today’s times horse trading is about buying and selling MLA’S .
Her father was sitting next to me, coffee on the table , reading news paper, Leo at his feet. He covered his face with paper , but we could hear him giggling…
The daughter asked ” dad is horse trading about buying and selling MLA’s “ ???
He said, your mom had excess coffee in the morning , that’s why she isn’t able to comprehend simple words like horse trading, it is buying selling horses, and it is also about hard bargaining in business terms .
No one is buying and selling people in the name of horse trading….. it’s her over worked imagination beta, You go and continue talking to your Google , she by then sat on the floor and requested Leo for a selfie, he instantly agreed and they went click click click….. She was trying to make a pout, acquired teenage nonsense learning, but Leo darling had a beautiful natural pout !
I prodded the husband , why don’t you accept the fact that bjp is going to buy MLA’s in Karnataka to reach the magical half mark!
He said , how do you know they will buy, maybe there are people who voluntarily want to join bjp , who were modi fans all the while but did not have the courage to come out in open, now that they see modi as a pan India force , they want to switch gears…. So let bjp get one chance to form the government as it is the single largest party!
I said aise kaise , will MLA’s drop from heaven , bjp will have to buy them to form government. So they will do horse trading
He said let me remind you for me horse trading is about horses only, and this term is used by shrewd business startegists like you !
I said aap bahot biased ho ji , you support your mother also like this “she is right , when she is right, and she is also right when she is wrong” , this is unfair you are always biased, you can never call a spade a spade.. .
He said, ohh so you have brought my mother into this too, chalo I am getting late, I will get ready and go to hospital now ….. listen, I will buy you alexa as a birthday gift, so that you can have this stupid arguments only with her… you feed her and train her against my mother , and then both of you can sit and continue bickering , finding faults…..
As he was leaving I taunted him on his back , han alexa hi sahi zindagi mein pehli baar, aapne gift dena ka socha tho hai! Thanks to your love for your mother ! .
This is the problem with us Indians we lose objectivity very fast, we either hate or hero worship people.
There are a large number of people on social media who run hate modi campaign relentlessly , they don’t even pause in between to admire the visible good work he is doing, they will hate him for everything, literally everything …there is another group which hates rahul Gandhi for silly , stupid reasons.
I don’t understand why are we so biased and opinionated, why can’t we see the intermittent good they do, or the bad they do, why this blind bhakti or blind hatred for a person or a party.
No one can be totally wrong or always right, right ?
Jab tak hum subah uthke kaam pe nahi jaate hai, humare ghar nahi chalte
Jab apne mehnat ka kha rahe hai tho , inki gulami kyon karte hai…
I applause and appreciate BJP and MODI for many of their policies, decisions….
But I cannot accept BSY getting first chance.
It is moral , ethical bankruptcy….
Rahul Gandhi in spite of all his flaws is giving tough fight , the underlying current is in his favor , recent Gujarat and Karnataka vote share is confirming the same , he is going to give tough fight in 2019, and mind you BSY cannot form a stable government…….. agar atal ji ki rai lete , tho wo kehte “ YE RAJ DHARAM KE KHILAAF HAI MODI”
(“””””The Cambridge Dictionary describes horse trading as shrewd, often difficult, discussions among people or organizations trying to make a business arrangement, where each tries to get something more favorable to them. The origins of the expression lie in the nineteenth century, when the traders of horses were seen to be especially crafty or calculating. In modern British English, it refers to unofficial negotiations that involve hard bargaining and give-and-take, and various degrees of compromise, and carries a general sense of disapproval””””””)
I am spoilt by choice for the first time and my remote will be tired navigating between royal wedding , Karnataka floor test and RR vs RCB match.
At home it is the teenage daughters birthday week , like a favour done on the world she has decided to extend the celebrations from weekend to weekend . Her pouting , photo clicking teenage friends filled my living room with silly giggles, accentuated English , artificial superficial emotions and body language.
The viral fever which is viral in the town has confined my workaholic husband to his bed , after ages I am seeing him sleeping in the afternoon on a working day .
Didi cook who went home to cast her vote for panchayat polls hasn’t come back yet which is sending shivers down my spine , I am getting nightmares of she being kidnapped by my neighbour for themselves , I woke up in the night and narrated the same to daughter and husband who were watching a stupid horror movie at midnight, they said this is the side effect of watching news the whole day , specially stop watching Karnataka news and sleep now , don’t disturb us ... I said pray for her to return else I will serve you only boiled vegetables all your life ! They dint even bother to listen to me ...

The son is out enjoying his Saturday watching a movie in Nepal ...
Every one is happy and enjoying, spending the weekend the way they want to
......... am I the only anxious , nervous person on this earth along with BSY!