Thursday, March 7, 2019

I feel proud as an Indian when I hear minorities talk about how secure they feel in India in comparison to Pakistan. It is a matter of pride for us Indians.
But what irked the rest of the Indians over a period of time is when the welfare schemes for minorities became vote bank politics... when their safety has become an appeasement game. When the rules were skewed and ultimately rulers became biased.
The congress is to be blamed for this
With BJP taking the central position, and tightening the loose ends, covering the grey shades, the minorities who were used to pampering for 6 decades are feeling scrutinized and incriminated all of sudden.
And the majority population under this current government are behaving like the inheritors if this land. India belongs to every Indian. It is what it is because of all of us. If we weren’t secular we would have been another Pakistan.
Please, please stop the ridiculous fight around the cow; To respect the sentiments of the majority population the government can put a ban on cow slaughter, but beef ban is audacious.
It feels cheap to read debates centered around cow from both sides.
Muslims should voluntarily come forward and support the ban on cow slaughter, Hindus should be liberal in allowing the beef eaters their right to food.
If I draw an analogy between how it happened in India in last 70 years :-
Suppose if India = 1 family
Their only son = Muslim
Their 5 daughters = Hindus
To maintain the secular fabric of India the 1 and only son was protected and pampered, they asked the 5 daughters to compromise. the boy became arrogant with time.
But now with daughters being educated and fighting for equal rights, the boy is no longer pampered.
The boy should realize this and start respecting the girls; accept that girls cannot be suppressed anymore ; and he should stop believing that he is the privileged one because he is a minority.
we can still be 1 big happy family, protecting each other's rights.

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