Friday, August 11, 2017

March 9, 2004, 3pm

March 9, 2004, 3pm : Mom and I were chatting about the jewellery mom brought for the baby, taking shape in my womb. We discussed about the impending parliament elections and she was stressed out about the timing of arrival of baby and elections coinciding. It was her dream to see dad in lok sabha. She was full of enthusiasm to discuss the developments in my personal life and dads work life. She said she will call me back after reaching secunderabad and hung up the phone. They were all ready and waiting for the driver. The driver did not report to duty on that day forcing daddy to drive. And that was the last time we had a conversation.
10.30 pm: The man was talking on the land line to a cousin. He passed on the ph to me and went inside to attend a call on his mobile ph. While I was on the land line he left home talking on the mobile. His body language was as if he is attending to some emergency. The unexpected call of the cousin and the man hurriedly running out of the house, instead of merrily chatting with cousin was an indication that all was not right. There is something happening which I was not aware of. 
I hastily disconnected the call, and went out to see who he was talking to and what he was hiding from me. I asked him, is everything alright? He said nothing much your parents met with an accident, I was talking to your maama, let’s go to Hyderabad tomorrow. 
I asked him bluntly, are they alive? I can handle, just tell me the truth.
He said yes very is unconscious but dad is fine, he is talking.
That night I packed more than the usual number of clothes, I could guess that all was not well back home. I did not prod him much about the accident as his eyes were full of compassion for me. We took the first flight to Hyderabad the next day, we reached Hyderabad around 9pm, I went to see mom first, and she was in deep sleep, oblivious to the surroundings. She had head injury and probably she is in coma, but she may come out of it soon is what my sis in law who is also a doctor told me with consolation.
Then I went to see dad. He was in the hospital gown. We looked into each other's eyes reassuringly that all will be ok soon. We did not cry , he asked about mom, I said she is fine , sleeping. He said I know you will manage everything and closed his eyes, maybe to shut the tear glands. I said yes you take rest I am going home, I will come tomorrow in the morning, to see you fresh and discuss our next move. 
We had long discussion the next week in the presence of rest of the family members about whether he should contest the elections or withdraw. I and the man were supporting him to fight with a hope that mom will wake up to see him in the parliament. 
3 generations in the family were a part of the struggle for separate telangana. This is the time and opportunity to stay on the ground and fight a democratic battle was the unanimous decision. Dad worked out a lot of strategy from the hospital bed and later from home while nursing his spinal injuries. Campaigning took a toll on his health, neck pain intensified, but he had no exit route. 
And for the next 2 months I was nursing comatose mother at home with the help of 3 trained sisters working in shifts, managing daddy's election fund, back office work with a 28 week baby in the womb and a 6 year old son for company, husband away at work. during the first pregnancy mother treated me like a princess who was expecting her first baby, and during the second one it was a role reversal.
From then on to 14th may, the date of results, I put everything I had at stake, health, wealth, energy, blessings, good will, to help daddy win the election. My maternal uncles stood by mom like 2 pillars, my mothers life’s earning was the love of her brothers. Apparently dad won the election but mother never came out of coma to see her dream come true, to celebrate his victory. The daughter arrived in next 10 days on 23rd may. Separate statehood for telangana was a big challenge and people voted TRS candidates to power for the same. I assured dad that I will take care of mom, and gave him a go-ahead signal towards new delhi. I stayed with mom for an year; later dad insisted I join the man as he was feeling guilty of keeping children away from their father for over an year. I handed over Mom to my brother's family, but she never recovered, we forcefully kept her alive for 2 years by feeding her thru tubes fixed to her stomach. Eventually we gave up hopes and let her go, as she never made any attempt to come out of coma. In 2015 Peacefully in his sleep dad left us on the same date (Hindu calendar) 9 years apart. Reunited in heaven my guardian angels are watching over me, protecting me.
It doesn't hurt me anymore when I remember those days. We should see off our parents, it is our dharma, what we do for them while they are alive is our karma. There were all kinds of people in my surroundings then, celebrating our pains and envying our joys.
My understanding is, we all have to pay for our sins individually, and no one is going to drag the cross for us. Mom Paid for her sins, I paid for mine. People judge others life in haste. They fail to realize that they themselves are not immune to hardships and bad times. Life doesn't end with one incident or one person. It is a continuous process. There is a lot of good and bad left for all of us to see. After all the suffering, am I done with my share of pains? Or more rude shocks are awaiting their turn to purify me. I don’t know the answer; I live in fear of it.
I am not running away, I will not and I cannot. I have to pay for my deeds, liberation comes only after producing a no dues certificate. The challenge of life lies in gracefully accepting the judgment of time. Oh mighty eternal valorous time I bow to you in reverence

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