Thursday, May 11, 2017

Google pics compiled this collage for me. Sent it as a reminder.
My daughter is a beautiful soul on this earth. My angel, my teacher.
Yesterday in the evening she and I were walking towards a food festival in the premises of a nearby mall. These days she does a lot of talking about life and its lessons. In the flow she was nonchalantly sharing about her friends at the school. 
She said initially in the previous classes, she was friends with only few girls, and she assumed them to be her best friends, friends for life. Her so called best friends were unhappy and jealous when she won the swimming competition. She also with time realized that they were friends only when they were in need of something and not the other way around, so she decided to mingle with rest of her classmates too and was pleasantly surprised on what she was missing in the form of learning by restricting herself to a small group. From the new session on her resolution is to interact with every girl in the class and not believe the rumors one community spreads against the other and not to make friends with someone who are constantly at the job of criticizing her in the guise of giving feedback. She added that “I need friends to boost my courage and confidence not someone who will find faults in me, make me fearful of losing, attempting at new relations.
While we were talking and walking a lady who was coming from the opposite direction slipped into a small pothole on the road and collapsed. I ran to help her get up and made her sit on the divider and made some humorous comments to cheer her up as she was feeling embarrassed. My girl’s remark after we left the scene was mom next time if I see someone in a similar situation I will repeat what you did. I always imitate you when I encounter anything I saw you handling.
Suddenly I felt more responsible, as exemplary behavior is playing a more important role than preaching. 
She went on narrating incidents about her friends at school and outside school. I was all ears to listen to fresh innocent perspective about life. I devoured on her wisdom along with the yummy bhetki baaja. 
thank you for the good food recommendation dr Prem D Bhutia Museff andNita Mallik

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