Wednesday, October 20, 2021



There is something magical about the evenings.
When the sun is winding up, to move to the other side, brightening the horizon,
The noisy birds dutifully returning to their nests,
Cattle walking home swinging their necks from left to right, creating a melody with the bells tied around their necks,
The refreshing cool breeze,
The noise in the hearth for evening tea,
grandmothers in the inner courtyards lighting the chullas to prepare dinner,
the resultant smoke emanating from every home,
The older children sitting in a corner with their slate and books, the younger kids tucked into their mother's waists.
There is something truly magical about every evening that takes me back to my childhood, where I witnessed all of this in my maternal grandparent's village.
Though the evenings in urban dwellings aren't the same, still there is something magical about every evening across the globe.

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