Friday, July 3, 2020

Dr. Sambit Patra Vs Rajdeep Sardesai

Dr. Sambit Patra Vs Rajdeep Sardesai

I usually settle in a cosy corner of my bed with remote locked in hands to watch the show uninterrupted.
The newsmakers create an interesting show out of any small news, and I love the way they twist and turn the facts figures and logic to suit their vested interests.
More than the content of the debate what intrigues me is the unabashed support to their respective ideologies.
You will not find a neutral and balanced outlook on any channel worldwide.
In a nutshell, I watch the news to analyse the analysts. 

The recent tiff between Sambit Patra and Rajdeep Sardesai turned from a healthy banter into an ugly spat. 
I watched the show live on the day the altercation took place between them.

Let me start by condemning Dr Patra for calling Rajdeep a Chinese agent.
It is journalists like Rajdeep who give nightmares to panellists from Pakistan and elsewhere. you have to google Rajdeep with Pervez Musharraf to see how he cornered Gen. Musharaff multiple times on Kashmir and terrorism, how elegantly he establishes India's perspective on various issues. 

Sambit Patras of the world should not be empowered to call every person who questions the government an anti-national. 
none of us has any obligation to prove anything to Dr Patra more so about our patriotism.

But at the same time in the same breath, I from my personal experience of being a Rajdeep viewer for years can infer that he sometimes gives more weightage to Gandhi's vis a vis India. Maybe the baggage of favours his wife and her father received from the Gandhi family have submerged their entire race under it.

The way we call sambit Patra as nobody, in the same way, Rahul/Priyanka too are nobody when it comes to nation. This country is about people first rest next.

I found Rajdeep wrong on two counts on the debate that evening
  1. He suggested to Dr.Patra - " why doesn't Mr Modi pick up the phone and talk to Mrs Gandhi. we ask you Rajdeep Ji: "why should someone call Mrs Gandhi and placate her on national interests", why is she so important, there was an all-party meeting open for everyone to ask questions.
  2. He was subtly trying to drive home the point that India failed in handling the border tensions. The underlying agenda was to declare Modi a failure. Rajdeep Your issues with Modi should be kept aside when you are talking about the nation and its security forces, In the guise of sympathy for the Braveheart’s you were settling personal scores.

I on an individual level am responsible for 10 lives at home and around 100 at work. Now, this accountability  drains the life out of me, it is so taxing that at just 44 years of age I am exhausted and dead by the end of the day.

The prime minister of this country who is 70 years old is taking care of a billion-plus population, irrational opposition, sold out communists, biased media internally and rogue neighbours on all sides.
Do we want him to come on TV every day and discuss war and international/diplomatic strategies?
And when it is a war, we either win or lose. Only one of the two outcomes are possible.
You wanted the PM to agree,  that either we were aggressive or submissive on the night of 15th June. I feel we should leave it at their level to handle it in the best interests of the nation.

The way he is butchered and badgered over COVID crisis is acceptable but holding him accountable to what transpired on 15th June night is little amateurish.
The situation at the border is very dynamic, taking a new shape and form every other day, so people on the ground are well equipped to take important informed decisions. By questioning the altercation of that night we are directly launching an assault on the bravery, intelligence and courage of our armed forces, which is uncalled for given the lives lost.
what we can do is pat them on the back and say well done, offer our condolences and stand by the families of jawan’s who lost their lives. 

We can ask questions, but not the way it is being asked, holding the leaders at gun point on TV and making them agree to our  version. (arnab goswami is a bigger culprit on this).

Rajdeep you can say Modi has Hindutva agenda, Modi is divisive, Modi is a showman, and many of us will agree to it.
 but you cannot say 2 things.....
  1.  Rahul Gandhi will make a better prime minister
  2.  Prime Minister Modi sold his nation to the neighbours or he is coward/timid/brainless etc. 

We can never accept Rahul Gandhi or his unworthy sibling as the prime ministerial candidate. 
If that is the ploy and strategy of the congress and if that is what you believe is right for the nation then, believe me,
 WE WANT MODI SARKAR FOREVER or a GADKARI SARKAR or even a SMRITI IRANI SARKAR FOREVER too is acceptable but not Rahul Gandhi who has failed us a billion times.

Liberal/sickular media is in a bigger fix than the Gandhi family or the congress party.
Many in the congress have accepted that Rahul Gandhi is an incompetent leader and there isn't any steam left in the party, so those who can find better avenues are migrating and the old guard decided to die as Sonia loyalists. 
Is congress attracting new minds, young college leaders into its party, the answer is a big NO and that itself speaks for congress and its leadership.
But a section of media is not able to make peace with the fact that raga will never be acceptable, they are using their brains overtime to devise strategies for him, to push and project him as a great leader.
I guess They have survived on the alms of congress/Gandhi for too long so now sold off even their future generation to pledge support to maybe Robert Vadras children too. 

Finally the mood of the nation is in favour of Modi Ji and they believe he will never do gaddari with his country and countrymen, so let us for now respect this and stand by him in the times of crisis.
Come October our old man will steer clear of all this to emerge a champion.
Wait and watch

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