Thursday, April 16, 2020

COVID19 vs Humans of the Earth

COVID19 vs Humans of the Earth
There were days when I wanted to stay home.
There were days when I wanted to spend time with family.
There were days when I did not want to do any work just be lazy.
There were days when I just felt like eating, watching tv and sleeping.
There were days when I wanted to spend time gardening and nothing else.
There were days when I wanted just the 4 of us plus the pets to stay together.
There were days where I wished to spend a day on personal grooming.
But now now now now now
All I want to do is go to work.
Do something else other than cooking, eating, reading and watching tv.
Entertainment beyond a point is nerve-wracking.
Life without a structure and discipline is chaos.
Let us pray for this lockdown to culminate into a positive outcome.
Either the virus kills all of us or we eliminate the virus.
If the stalemate between covid19 vs humans of the earth continues then, believe me, we are heading into a disaster.
Let us win this battle by staying put at home., by breaking the viruses backbone of jumping from human to human.
The virus is mocking us in the following way :
You foolish people
I can travel faster than your science and logic.
I am all over the earth now.
I caught a plane on a free ticket to reach every corner.
The only way for you to cut me out is to cut down your greed, arrogance and ego.
Overcome your weaknesses before making plans to eliminate me.
I am the new messenger of God.
Call me the dashavatar or the 10th avatar of Vishnu as Hindus call it.
Remember :
When Kalki descends on to this earth it will be the beginning of the end of life on earth and a new cycle of time will begin.
I am sure all the religions have a story to narrate on how life on earth is going to end.
This covid19 fits into the Hindu narrative.
The battle between a micro and a mega life form.
The micro is devoid of greed, lust and ego hence he can defeat the most intelligent creature of this universe.
The perfect textbook ending.
The virus is invisible, changing form, size, shape and the pattern of spread.
He is confusing us, making us fight with each other...
Putting us under lock down, Making us feel helpless, frustrated, impotent and useless...
All the BIG brains across the world put together haven't found medicine to kill it. The battle is on for the past 150 days.
Forces of the world are rallying to defeat it.
In treta yuga, in Lanka, the battle between ram and Ravan was fought for 13 days.
In dwapara yuga, the war of Kurukshetra between the Kauravas and Pandavas was fought for 18 days.
In both cases, dharma won over adharma. Right over wrong.
Between kovid19 vs humans of the earth, who is on the side of dharma?
Which is the corrupt and greedy party here?
Don't we know the answer?
Will we lose the battle to it?
We may not lose it in a go but lose it by an inch a day.
Like treta and dwapra yuga, the final battle will not be counted in days but in months and years.
have we reached a point of no return?
Certainly not as of now, but if we do not understand the seriousness of the battle we are fighting then certainly we are giving more space to covid19.
we give it a millimetre and in no time it will capture a percentage of the population of that locality.
The rich will die but their near and dear will live regretting not doing much to prevent the virus from entering their homes.
the poor will die but their kith and kin will recover as they will get busy searching for the next meal, cannot waste time brooding...
The religious preachers will die surrendering their gods to the science in the end.
The arrogant and careless will fall first.
The corrupt and greedy will fall next.
The high and mighty will follow the suit.
Slowly in a phased manner all of us will go.
Only the wise will remain, only the givers will remain, only the selfless will remain.
Are you one of them?
Do you want to survive?
Do you want your family to survive?
do not make comments like
do not put others life at risk for your selfish personal goals.
Everything can wait...
FIGHT COVID19 not each other.
let us die a respectable death, not a helpless one.
© copy right #SANGEETAREDDY

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