Friday, December 19, 2014


There is no mystery ,to unlock, about you
I needn’t look far, to find thou
I see ,thy reflection, everywhere
In every ,new sunrise
In the sky decked up
With, moon n stars
In the heat and cold
On the earth, in the air
Your magnanimity, in the,
Forests, seas and mountains
As green , in the plants
As fruits , on the trees
As life force,  in the seed
flying high,  in the sky
living , under the water
Running, on the ground
 jumping , on the trees
thy, As love , in my parents
As trust ,  in my friends
As a belief,  in my spouse
As a blessing,  in my children
As a purpose,  in my work
I see thou , as a mission ,  in my life
The closest ,I can feel you , is in my breath
As a tear , in my eye
As a smile ,  on my face
Blood in my body
As consciousness,  in every cell
Manifesting as trust , hope and faith
You are just everywhere
Omnipotent , Omnipresent
Somewhere as jesus
Other place ,  as ram
Elsewhere as ,allah
Facilitating us , in myriad ways
To reach you, to embrace you

There is no mystery to unlock,  about you
and i needn't look far , to find thou

Today I want to celebrate you as jesus
And here is wishing you 
A very happy birthday in advance

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