Monday, July 19, 2021


 striking the date off with each passing day

birthdays, anniversaries to destination weddings

turning the calendar to the next page and thereon

waiting for the year-end and a new calendar 

to enter into the repetitive phase of

ticking the dates again

anniversaries to birthdays

celebrations to mournings

playing like a cinema reel

heart reacting only to the aberrations

alas! in no time reverting to the continuity!

corona came and went 

not once but twice

many took it head-on

some survived, few lost to it

survivors wearing the cape of corona warriors 

bereaved living  with permanent  scars

lessons learnt any by bystanders?

Have to wait and watch!

Meanwhile, has corona evolved?

Guess it will exploit

 our  retrograde amnesia 

and catch us incognito 

strike us  while we are land hunting

 or amassing wealth for a luxurious quarantine.

 The Corona prognostics, 

do they have an answer?

How many times will it strike?

once, twice thrice or endless numbers

Someone, please help us see the light.

Handhold us to the end of this tunnel

Please lead us to the world,

devoid of this uncertainty

into the good old times

when we took everything for granted!

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