Saturday, June 12, 2021

 A Journey Inwards

In the battle of perception
between good-bad, evil-civil, right-wrong
Whenever my EGO gets crushed
I Seek the easy way out!
I pick up the role of a judge when I win
The victim when I lose.
And in an ingenious move, I Invoke the theory of karma
To shame my nemesis in their success.
Connivingly and Conveniently
Interchanging the roles,
swiftly moving between two ends and
trying to be at the top of the game in every situation.
The wisdom dawned upon me
When I discovered the third dimension
to this game of moral uprightness.
It unravelled itself as TIME, the supreme watchdog.
TIME started moving parallelly with me
watching, recording, auditing and sending
subtle messages and messengers
signals to assist and alert about impending disasters.
The arrogant I, after repeated upheavals in the results,,
started decoding the signals and messages of TIME
respecting its Emissaries and Messiahs in
the form of events, trees, rains, humans and animals.
Results started trickling in when I became
observant and receptive to the jurisprudence of time.
That it rewards and punishes us more for our INTENT.
TIME cares the least about *How we killed*?
And more about "Why we killed"?
This made me a seeker; hence I started the Journey Inwards
of watching every thought and its source.
Failing, Falling, Rising, learning and Unlearning.
The journey is on with
TIME as an eternal guide and companion.

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