Friday, May 31, 2019

Why I want MODI to WIN and also to LOSE

Why I want MODI to WIN and also to LOSE
Modi is a charmer, a great orator, sometimes a good mimic artist.
Modi is hardworking, capable and dedicated.
Modi is a commoner, patriot and a nationalist.
Modi is a good diplomat, and a great manipulator too.
But in the same breath, I want to add that India is not just NAMO.
We cannot project an individual to be above the state, the moment we do that Modi becomes bigger than India.
When we make a person bigger than the system he is going to represent, remember we are carving a monster out of an ordinary individual. A Frankenstein monster.
You can make me agree to the fact that Modi has done great work, delivered more than any other prime minister could in past 70 years, brought Hindutva agenda to the forefront, curbed radical Islam effectively, cut down on illegal funding to NGOs etc, but in all honesty, with a hand on my heart I can admit to the collateral damage which came in through these policies.
while we were willing to celebrate him, suddenly this new breed of cheerleaders and hyperbole nationalists arrive from nowhere to redefine patriotism and draw Laxman Rekha’s for us everywhere.
Now if we write against him, we are labelled as secular
If we protest against him, we become an urban Naxal.
India can never cater to a billion-plus population if it has its poll policies and practices cantered around only Pakistan, and sadly this election is all about Pakistan.
He is using Pakistan to win an election, and without winning an election he cannot deliver what he is willing to deliver for India is a fair enough argument.
A politician can play as dirty as he wants, to win, to lead, or to succeed …no denying that.
What scares me the most is the future of India in the next 5 years, as we have now changed the political discourse, shifting the narrative from development to warmongering.
In all probability, he may come back to power, and Once he wins the election, Modi should shift the gear and move into the trajectory of “WHAT MATTERS THE MOST TO INDIA – ITS DEVELOPMENT”.
I will not even dare to foresee Rahul Gandhi as the prime minister of India or for that matter any leader from mahagatbandhan. None of them can match Modi’s current fervour or temper in running this country.
What matters the most after winning is will they become the servants of the system or indulge in abuse of power to silence the dissent.
By forcefully and violently quietening the dissent, we are going to do more damage to the future of the state.
Dissent can be answered or silenced only through proper institutions, instead of fighting dissent on the streets Modi and Co Should use the institutions to set new benchmarks.
Imagine an India dominated only by right-wing philosophy; will we not become another Pakistan? do we want that?
Let us aspire for an India which is fair to everyone irrespective of their faith.
Believe me, we are destroying democracy and the state by bequeathing all the powers into one single hand.
Unilateral growth of any single individual or party will not work in the country’s favour.
Let us allow democracy to flourish, systems to do their work, bring in reforms through proper legal amendments.
Let us restore the dignity of every Indian irrespective of their faith and political affiliation.
Allowing someone to use fear, force and intimidation on fellow Indians who do not subscribe to their faith and ideology will be detrimental to our future.
Let us be fair if we want “time” to be fair to our future generations.
Let us rise and raise our voice against intimidation and coercion.
Our faith should not be bigger than our virtues.
Jai Hind 🇮🇳

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