Sunday, November 21, 2010


man is the maker of his own destiny. he reaps what he sows. good and bad knowledge and ignorance follow every being like his shadow from birth to death.
never indeed anyone who does good ever comes to greif or bad state 
the lord blesses all those who are engaged in good work. though the aspirant fails to achieve  perfection.

yet he does not suffer destruction either in this world or in the next. that is the lords promise to all seekers. it is like life giving elixir to all people by being and doing good.

in fact, to the ignorant, the world presents the curious spectacle of bad people enjoying  more material comfortsthat the good and righteous. but a closer look into

the facts of life show that the wicked and evil-minded are daily undergoing lower destruction in ther own heart of hearts, and they shall be hurled into lower and lower planes of existence.

 the good live and thrive in the sunshine  of gods grace, though materil riches they may not posses. they need have no doubt about their present or future

because the lord here declares that they will never come to a bad state. let this promise of lord be remembered, whenever doubt or fear enters ones heart.
“do good your future is assured”

this is the lords call to all seekers it is implied that evil doers suffer a terrible doom here and here after. so let nobody indulge in sinful activities.

the lord gives the hope that whatever is left undone by the  seeker shall be completed by him in a latter life to come.

1 comment:

  1. its sounds like a preachers sermons are live..not preached...God bless you.
    Thy shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.
